Qué es BC-FT y FPADM


Every day we prevent money laundering, terrorist financing, and the financing of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

Blanqueo de capitales

Our AML-CFT and WMDP financing policies are focused on the risks dictated by international and local standards to ensure proper:

  • Identification of all customers.
  • Monitoring and tracking of operations.
  • Comparison against sanction lists.
  • Categorization of customers by risk level.
  • If necessary, reporting of possible suspicious operations to the Regulator.

"For this, we rely on the identification of unusual activities and/or operations based on the number and amount of transactions, structuring, concentration, transfer, and disbursements, etc.; also taking into account variables such as: jurisdictions, activities, and amounts in the operations; all this based on the guidelines of our Policy on AML-CFT and WMDP Risk Criteria and the Risk Assessment itself. At Inversis, we are expressly prohibited from operating with individuals, companies, and/or jurisdictions questioned in official lists issued by international organizations, such as the EU, UNSC, and OFAC.

We also recognize the importance of training, and understand that employees are key elements in preventing AML-CFT and WMDP; therefore, annually, all are part of the training plan that is delivered with differentiated content to different audiences, according to the area of sensitivity where they perform their functions. All this, in addition to providing the necessary tools to minimize the occurrence of undesirable events.


It is any method or procedure through which attempts are made to introduce into a legal financial environment, the profits or gains obtained from criminal and illegal activities."

Activities Considered as Money Laundering:

Phases of money laundering:


It is the supply, deposit, distribution, or collection of funds or assets, by any means, directly or indirectly, with the intention of using them or with the knowledge that they will be used, in whole or in part, for the commission of any of the terrorist offenses typified in the Penal Code. There is Terrorist Financing when providing, facilitating, safeguarding, managing, collecting, or raising funds by any means, directly or indirectly, with the purpose of these being used in their entirety or in part by an individual terrorist or a terrorist organization, or to commit one or more terrorist acts.


It refers to any action that provides or uses financial services, in whole or in part, with the aim of manufacturing, acquiring, possessing, developing, exporting, transferring material, splitting, transporting, transferring, storing, or using nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons, as well as their means of launch and other related elements (which include technologies and dual-use goods for illicit purposes). This type of financing can involve covert transactions, money laundering, and the use of illicit financial networks to hide activities related to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.


  1. Fully identify them.
  2. Obtain and verify data that allows the knowledge of all parties involved, ensuring that the data provided by the customer is correct.
  3. In the case of residing in a tax haven, understood as those that are part of any of the lists of risky jurisdictions, ensure that all necessary documentation is available to identify them.
  4. Justify all operations when requested by the Bank, in this way, the transparency and reasonableness of the customer's transactional profile is guaranteed.
  5. If you hold the status of a Person with Public Responsibility (PRP) or as it is known in the international context, you are considered a Politically Exposed Person (PEP) or are a family member/close associate of a PRP/PEP, it is important to communicate this to the Bank from the beginning of the relationship or from the moment such status is acquired, so that the proper due diligence process can be correctly applied.

Bearing in mind that "the better we know you, the better we can serve you".