


There are some basic rules to improve online dealing security
We have technologically advanced and secure systems to guarantee client identity on connection to the service, as well as confidentiality of data passed between clients and ourselves. But guaranteeing secure online dealing does not only depend on us, but also on you and on your computer setup. Here we explain the basic rules that you need to know and apply in order to guarantee the security and confidentiality of your online dealings.


One Do not reveal your password, electronic signature, nor any other personal data in response to an email.

Two Do not use weak passwords and do not share them.

Three Do not store account passwords alongside personal documentation or on your computer.

Four Avoid internet banking and financial transactions on a public computer.

Five Do not open emails from unknown sources or that look suspicious.

Six Delete chain emails as they could be infectious.

Seven Keep your system and browser updated to the latest versions.

Eight Install ant-virus and keep it updated.

Nine Do not install or run anything that comes from an unknown source.

Ten Keep yourself up-to-date regarding internet security issues.



Use the maximum number of characters, preferably a mix of letters and numbers
We accept a username or password with between 6 and 15 characters. We recommend that you use the maximum number of characters.
This makes it more difficult to guess.



Do not use a password containing parts of your username or email address
  • Examples of suitable passwords: bic8652d, mar34vic.
  • Examples of unsuitable passwords:
    superman, melocoton, martinjo (if your username is josemartin).


Do not use dictionary words


Do not use your name, that of your partner or of your pet, anniversaries, telephone numbers, home address or any other personal information that could be easily guessed


Keep your password and electronic signature in a safe place and change them when necessary

  • Never reveal this data by email, SMS or internet.
  • Do not write them either on paper or in digital format in your computer, smartphone or tablet.
  • Change your password and electronic signature regularly, especially if you suspect that someone else may know them.


Do not provide more than two elements of your electronic signature
We will only ever ask you for two randomly chosen elements of your electronic signature. If you are ever asked for more than two characters, suspect foul play. You must never enter your complete electronic signature in any page.
We will NEVER ask you for all elements of your digital signature in the same session.


LSSI law
The Information Society Services law (LSSI) outlines the legal framework that guarantees the necessary security to providers and users of services in the use of electronic media.
Legal framework for users and providers.